Rosacea is a skin condition in which the skin around the nose, mouth, and eyes can become irritated and break out in a rash like reaction. This usually means general redness and swelling of the skin in the affected areas, but can also result in raised bumps, red spots, pimple-like growths and swollen or enlarged portions of the nose.
Some people who are experiencing rosacea will also report an irritation of the eyes, in the form of dry eyes or itchy eyes and eyelids. In some cases, these symptoms are said to precede the visible inflammation of the skin that comes with rosacea.
In some less common cases, people report rosacea as the cause for an inflamed or enlarged nose. This symptom tends to occur more in men than in women but is possible for both men and women.
The exact causes of rosacea are as of yet unknown, however, there are several factors that are thought to contribute to the likeliness of developing a case of rosacea. Such factors include things like:
- Consumption of alcohol
- Extreme weather conditions or sudden changes in the environment
- Excess use of cosmetics
- Excess exposure to sunlight or strong winds
- Intense exercise
- Heightened emotional states
- Vasodilating substances such as marijuana or some blood pressure medications
- Excess consumptions of spicy foods
It is also thought that some people are at more risk of developing rosacea than others. Those who are generally at higher risk include:
Women over age 30
- Smokers
- Those with prior cases of sun damaged skin
- Those with prior cases of rosacea
- Those with genetic ties to people who have rosacea
- People with fair or delicate skin
Symptoms associated with rosacea tend to be mild, but in some cases can become severe, particularly when there are further complications. In more extreme cases, the glands which excrete oil through the skin around the face can become impeded by the swelling tissue, resulting in a build of oils and tissue around the nose and mouth.
This complication of rosacea can become a condition called rhinophyma, in which more extreme swelling and acne like symptoms can occur in the facial area. This particular complication is found to be more common in men, but still possible in women. Cases of rosacea which result in rhinophyma are typically developed over time and seldom happen in a time span of less than a year.
Rosacea, though not life threatening, can be seen as unsightly or undesirable for those who are sensitive about their appearance. Many cases of rosacea will resolve itself on its own, however extreme or reoccurring instances of rosacea should be discussed with a doctor, expert or medical professional to provide treatments and avoid future occurrences. Read “How to treat Rosacea”